It's been a while since I've given you, my faithful readers, the 411 from the Prickril compound in Kirchheim. Not sure exactly what happened, but I guess I was blogged out. Hasn't helped that I've been working like a slave and we've been taking it easy on the weekends since we got back from Disney (which means there's not too much to report).
Last weekend, we celebrated the American version of father's day. Since we celebrated German father's day some weeks ago, that just leave leaves Brazilian father's day in August. Would be nice to find an angle to make it 4 so I could be spoiled once a quarter. On father's day, we went to an outdoor public pool in Heidelberg called Thermalschwimmbad. B had been there a few times before and told me about it, but I was really impressed by the whole experience. The Neckar river runs directly behind it and it feels more like a country club than a public pool. It doesn't seem to get as crowded as the pool in Wiesloch and the "restaurant" area actually has waitstaff.
It's really funny to see people changing into their bathing suites in broad daylight in front of a few hundred of their closest "friends". German women seem to have a multi-bikini system that we haven't quite figured out. A fair number of women laying out topless is a nice touch as far as I'm concerned, and one of the easiest cultural adjustments I've had to make so far.
On a completely unrelated note, I got a bill in the mail a couple of weeks ago for public television and radio! In Germany, everyone that has a radio, TV or internet connection must pay for public programming. That would be fine by me but my understanding is that it's not the low budget experience you might expect. Since they show soccer games etc., my monthly bill comes to about 20 Euros. Absolutely absurd by American standards, but not quite annoying enough for me to start another blog preaching rebellion. Anyway...
Last weekend, the kids were keeping watch on the neighborhood from the "snack perch" in our kitchen when they spotted a pair of fraternal twins (boy and girl) from Robert's class at school. Turns out they were looking for our apartment so they could deliver the first invitation he's received to a birthday party here. A pretty big milestone in his assimilation as far as I'm concerned.
Speaking of assimilation, B has started an intensive German course. So far, she's having a blast. She goes Monday through Friday from 9 to 13:00. There aren't many other fluent English speakers and no Brazilians, which I guess is a good thing. My German is coming along but long days mean I'm not studying as much as I'd like. My goal is still to be conversational by the end of the year.
On the family front, it looks like B's sister Marina will visit with some friends in July. An apartment full of 16 year olds should be the straw that finally sends me over the edge. Since the departure of our nanny a few weeks ago, life has not been the same. Luckily, it looks like Sandra will come back toward the end of the summer. If any of you care at all about our sanity or the well being of our lovely children, put a good word in for us with your higher power.
Incidentally, we had dinner at Sardegna, a really quaint Italian restaurant a few minute's walk from our apartment. Next time we go I'll take some pictures as we seem to like it more and more each time we go. The owners are currently in Sardegna (Sardinia, an island off the west coast of Italy) as their daughter-in-law is having a baby. Their son, now at his wit's end, is holding down the fort the best he can. For some reason, they don't serve meat while the folks are away. I therefore was unable to order a horse steak, something I've wanted to do since we first went there. In the next week or so, I'll let you know how Trigger tastes.
Hmmm, I wonder if that will finally generate some comments on this blog.
Finally, at an off-site (work) in Epplingen, a nice little city about 40 minutes south of here, I took another picture of beer. While some members of my family find it weird (and you know who you are), I really do find Hefeweitzen and the glasses it is served in beautiful. This place is apparently famous in the area and had the best Hefe I've probably ever tasted (with the possible exception of Zum Ritter in Schwetzingen). This one was taken at night under precarious circumstances from an exposure (and sobriety) perspective. Enjoy!