Saturday, April 23, 2011
Last night in Madrid…
As we walked around Madrid on our last night, we did our best not to think about having to leave. We had a few beers at the Plaza San Miguel and then poked around the Mercado San Miguel at bit. We (Wolfgang, Chris and I) ended up at Meson on Calle Cava de San Miguel to have drink and tapas. Chris and Wolfgang were drinking Sangria.
I (go figure) was having ice cold beer.
We ordered a plate of meats and cheeses and some chipirones (baby squid). All was excellent.
I became transfixed with the table next to us. To me it was a still life masterpiece. We chatted with the very friendly French “artists” for quite a while. His son was headed to the US. First stop? Harlem.
Wolfgang decided to head back to the hotel around midnight. Chris bailed on me a bit later (leaving a huge mug of sangria for me to finish).
I was then left at 1:00 or so to head back to the hotel alone. It was one of the highlights of the trip.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
First night in Madrid…
We got to our hotel by 10:00 or so and immediately hit the pavement. By 17:00 we were pretty tired and knew it didn’t make much sense to head out before 21:00 so we rested. I didn’t want to lug my camera around on our first night on the streets so took a few shots/videos with my phone.
The city was hopping. Starting near the Plaza San Miguel, we walked a good kilometer and half on streets packed with folks of all ages letting loose in the near perfect Spring weather.
Nothing like smoked pig leg to get the party started.
Chris was drinking Sangria; I beer (as usual). It didn’t take too long to get a nice buzz on, although we took it relatively easy (the same cannot be said for Monday night!).
It was a pleasant surprise to find the city way more active after dark than during the day. The streets were jammed with people walking around or having beer and wine at the countless bars along most streets.