it's off to school we go. Tomorrow (Tuesday, May 1) is a holiday in Germany. I took today (Monday) off as well so was able to take the girls to school (Robert's school is closed and he's sick anyway). German kindergarten is for kids from 3 to 5 and is all about having fun. I'm sure they learn something from time to time, but that seems to be far from the primary goal.
We drop the kids off between 7:30 and 9:00 and pick them up at 14:00. You pay for kindergarten, but it's only about 60 Euros per child per month! Back in the States, Robert and Emily were in Montesorri at the same time and I was selling plasma on the weekends to foot the bill (I really miss those doughnuts they served at the clinic!). By the way, if Ratso and/or Boxcar Ben are reading this, I miss you guys! (And yes, I'm kidding.)
Anyway, the school is less than a 5 minute walk from here. Robert's school is next door to the girls', which makes it pretty convenient. In kindergarten, the kids wear slippers. Cute touch, no?
Notice above the uncoached modeling instincts being displayed so naturally by Emily. Some people pay big bucks to learn this "first position" of footware modeling (it's all about the gentle angle of the non-load bearing leg). Note to self: No more "Germany's Next Top Model" for Emily.
I've said on several occasions in this blog that our neighborhood is full of conveniences. As proof, see below the cigarette machine on the kids' way to school. Emily saved the money she got from the tooth fairy to buy a pack of menthols for the holiday. Way to save Emily! There's something about cigarette machines in residential areas that feels really retro, and not necessarily in a good way. BTW, Emily lost her two bottom front teeth. The replacements were already coming in so you don't really notice it much.
While we're on the subject of feeling retro, here's a pic of the bar that's across the street from the girls' school. Gotta love German zoning practices! It's a small world after all.
Anyway, an update on Robert and B: both are going to make it. Robert is back to about 80% and B is too (although she doesn't want to admit it). I'm thinking about taking the parent folk to Strasbourg today. Will let you know how that goes.
Finally, here's the view from the girls' school. Nice thing about most German towns is that the main church steeple keeps you from getting lost (geographically speaking, anyway).
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