Sunday, May 27, 2007

Blog Participation 101...

Just ocurred to me that many of the folks that read this blog aren't exactly cyber-savvy. Alright, let's face it: they're kind of old. Just wanted to let these folks and others know that there's a link at the end of each post that allows you to leave a comment. I believe you might have to sign up for a Blogger account. If you figure that out (Vegas is giving four to one odds), you'll be rewarded with the ability to tell me electronically how smug I'm being.

Thank you for your attention. I know it's hard to focus during the "silver years

1 comment:

Carolina said...


Adorei saber que vocês estão bem.... As crianças estão cada vez maiores.
Tenho encontrado dificuldades em enviar e-mail para vc. Tem tanta foto lida dos meninos que eu queria que vc visse. Me mande um email.

Saudades. Beijos
