Mellow weekend...
This weekend we pretty much took it easy. On Saturday B took the kids to Thermalschwimmbad while I stayed home running errands and doing more laundry than I've ever seen in my life. I also spent some quality time generating some hi-def pics (see previous post).
On Sunday, I took the kids to a park near our house I'd never been to (behind the Rewe in Kirshheim). This place has one of the coolest swingsets I've seen. The frame (or whatever you call it) is super tall and the area beneath the swings has been dug out. This makes for a huge arc that the girls loved.

Later that afternoon we went to Speyer. We had dinner at Biergarten called Domhof. The place is really beautiful and was packed with folks. There's a play area for the kids and it's right of the main drag in Speyer, a E ticket itself. 

Soon after dinner as we were walking down "Main Street" it started to rain so we ducked under some umbrellas and had ice cream. During the trip I took more HDR pics that I think turned out great. It's official: I'm addicted to HDR photography.

This weekend we pretty much took it easy. On Saturday B took the kids to Thermalschwimmbad while I stayed home running errands and doing more laundry than I've ever seen in my life. I also spent some quality time generating some hi-def pics (see previous post).
On Sunday, I took the kids to a park near our house I'd never been to (behind the Rewe in Kirshheim). This place has one of the coolest swingsets I've seen. The frame (or whatever you call it) is super tall and the area beneath the swings has been dug out. This makes for a huge arc that the girls loved.

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