It's all happening at the zoo in Stuttgart...
Since my last entry, B has gone to Brazil (by herself) for her best friend's wedding. I've been holding down the fort quite nicely (in my humble opinion) with tons of help from Sandra.

Today we decided to go to the Wilhelma, the zoo and botanical garden in Stuttgart. Even with traffic and my entering the wrong street into Poposuda, we got there in less that an hour and a half. I somehow managed to get the DVD player to work without the help of my better half so the kids were quiet all the way there. We found parking essentially on the zoo grounds for a very reasonable rate (a Euro or so per hour).
Wilhelma is an very nice zoo in the middle of a botanical garden. There you'll find acres and acres of flowers, trees, topiaries and all the other accoutrement you'd expect from a garden accented with the unmistakable smell of a zoo. It cost us about 30 Euros to get the whole family through the door.
Once inside, there is plenty to do. We spent about 4 hours there and didn't mange to see all the animals etc. We took lunch with us so besides some ice cream for the kids, it was a pretty cheap outing.
One of the things I like most was the aquarium. While it isn't as big or exotic as most, it is well-organized and houses most of the kinds of critters you would expect.
I also like the playgrounds we found, which gave the kids a needed distraction every hour or so.
Since my last entry, B has gone to Brazil (by herself) for her best friend's wedding. I've been holding down the fort quite nicely (in my humble opinion) with tons of help from Sandra.
Wilhelma is an very nice zoo in the middle of a botanical garden. There you'll find acres and acres of flowers, trees, topiaries and all the other accoutrement you'd expect from a garden accented with the unmistakable smell of a zoo. It cost us about 30 Euros to get the whole family through the door.
I also like the playgrounds we found, which gave the kids a needed distraction every hour or so.
Wonderful! Looks like it compares nicely to our Woodland Park Zoo. I was in Berlin last month and lamented that we didn't have time to go to that highly regarded zoo!
I miss the Woodlank Park Zoo! We had an annual membership so went every month or so. If you look at older posts, you'll see that the Heidelberg zoo is also quite nice (and small like Woodland Park). The zoo in Karlsruhe is also in a botanical garden.
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