Sticking it to the man in the Yuletide season...
Since we now live in Europe, have tons of DVDs from the States and the collection continues to swell with DVD gifts from America and Brazil, we are thrilled to finally have a DVD player that knows no "zones". Did we spend a lot of money on a special DVD player for transnationals like ourselves? No way! We bought a "normal" Philips DVD player and then used a super cool trick we found on the internet to make it region free. It took all of 10 seconds. While I am loathe to lead others astray and/or afowl of the film industry, I can tell you that a quick Google with "DVD region crack" got me the info I was needing. Thanks go to a reader of this blog (who shall remain nameless) for the heads up.
So, relatives in both the Americas, feel free to flood the kids with DVDs: they can finally watch them

By the way, the Mrs. and I couldn't be happier that the kids now have a good reason to hang out in the play room. Thanks to Philips for making their DVD players so crackable!