Not sure what's gotten into our kids, but getting them to go anywhere on the weekends lately makes me feel like a bouncer in a biker bar. Yesterday, after much ado, we managed to get them to go to the mall in Viernheim. The girls love the kiddie detention center there, where you can outsource your duties as guardian for a few hours while you shop (for only one Euro per child, per hour). Robert hung out with us as we stimulated the local economy. I'm looking forward to getting back to the States in a couple of weeks to hit a real mall.
At Toys 'R' Us, Emily bought her Carnaval (Fasching in German) costume: Elizabeth Swann from Pirates of the Caribbean. She works it quite well in my not-so-humble opinion.
On another note, the kids are slowly transitioning from communal baths to individual showers. Emily seems to already have the spa routine down. I'm bracing myself for our water bill.
Today, we convinced them to go to the park, where a good time was had by all. It's been a very mild Winter so far. Today, it got up to the low 50's -- jacket weather for non-Brazilians. B thought it was freezing. Upon arriving, we discoverd that for some reason, the city seems to have decommissioned the huge swingset. Although the kids are no doubt safer without it as an option, I'll miss their squeals of terror-filled joy.
Finally, I've never seen a cuter take on the Annie Hall look, have you?
They are just TOOOO adorable!! Especially that last photo, with the tie!
Thanks Carol. As their father, I have an ethical obligation to agree!
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