As readers of this blog know, my camera was recently stolen from a conference room at the Maritim hotel in Darmstadt. The "Prickril's Adventures" faithful also know I'm a compulsive photographer with a lot more disk space than talent. Today, while at Mediamarkt with Robert, I found out that the camera I intended to buy in the States next month was essentially the same price here thanks to a generous rebate from the folks at Canon (arigatou gozaimasu my brothers); so, I replaced my stolen camera (and the new one is black).
I'll spare non-photo geeks the details, but I upgraded to a better camera and lens and, in my humble opinion, the pictures speak for themselves...

By the way, Emily dressed herself up as a bride today and allowed me to catch her first kiss in all its high megapixel splender. Since she shared this private display of affection with a nutcracker, I let it slide.

1 comment:
Hadn't been to the blog in quite some time. I also watched a presentation by you done back in 2008. Something about input/output and beer.
We just had a visit from Ana's brother and sister-in-law from Brasil. Did quite a bit of stuff in 2 weeks. Gorge, coast, SF, Monterey and Big Sur. Of course..SHOPPED a lot. You know what I mean:)
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