Seven years of flirting with disaster...
and she's still flying high. Emily turns 7 today. She commemorated the event yesterday by almost getting hit by a streetcar. I would just as soon not recount this one.
As is tradition in Brazil, the day started out with her opening her presents. I invoked executive privilege at the last second so Emily didn't get her roller blades. I've spent enough time in emergency rooms with that girl. Her friend Jana spent the night so they were already on fire at 7:30. By 10:30, her party was in full swing.
We had the party at
Happy Kids in
Eppelheim. I think attendance was just about right this year, about 20 kids. They all had fun playing like there was no tomorrow. Ever notice how sweaty kids smell like a
hand full of
nickels (apologies to European readers for the obscure reference)?
B made
brigadeiro but left the cake preparation to a bakery in our neighborhood. The birthday table received the usual full treatment as you can see below.

The highlight of the party was Emily's impromptu face plant in her cake. Everyone was shocked for a second or two before we all erupted with laughter. If she were predictable, she wouldn't be Emily.

The icing seems to have had an exfoliating effect. I've never seen Emily's skin so radiant! I smell infomercial for the "European Sugar Lift". With all these spooky ideas, I can't for the life of me figure out why I'm not a millionaire (but blame oppression by "the man" in the mean time).
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