Still in Barcelona...
in spirit anyway. Work and getting ready for our move on Monday has kept me too tired and busy to blog about our trip. I hope to get caught up soon, but at the current pace, it's not looking too good. Pixelating the conspicuous assets of the topless women in the beach shots has also proven to be time consuming (although not altogether unpleasant).
Anyway, thought I'd share the mental picture (above) that torments me during my long days in the salt mine. This is the view I had at the beach in Barcelona, tucked under a beach umbrella, nursing a cold Coke Zero and watching the kids in the their natural element (they've been hitting the beach since before they could walk {Ipanema style}).

Here's a panoramic of the view of Nova Mar Bella beach from the pedestrian "overpass" behind it. It was about a 5 minute walk from the hotel. More on that later...
We hung out at Mar Bella, spirit anyway. Work and getting ready for our move on Monday has kept me too tired and busy to blog about our trip. I hope to get caught up soon, but at the current pace, it's not looking too good. Pixelating the conspicuous assets of the topless women in the beach shots has also proven to be time consuming (although not altogether unpleasant).

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