Sunday, April 05, 2009

I love a parade...

Actually, I don't. I make an exception to my "no parade" policy when my kids are involved though. The weather this weekend was exceptional, sunny and in the low 70's. The kids acclimated with impressive speed.
On Sunday, Robert and Emily participated in a parade that started at their school and wound its way through Walldorf's Hauptstrasse. The costumes were colorful enough to put Frosty the Snowman himself in a Springy mood.

Emily made a beautiful flower.
Robert was a gardener, appropriate given how well he typically takes care of his sister (the daisy).
It turns out Sophia is not the most patient parade watcher I’ve ever seen. Below, you can see her resting before the parade got into full motion.
Here you can see her filling the entertainment void (in her mind anyway) left by the parade.
After an hour or so of marching (maybe less), the parade ended at the Astor House.
We then headed to the Hauptstrasse to drink Hefe and have ice cream (I’ll let you guess who had what).
The sun poking through the clouds over St. Peter’s church on the Hauptstrasse inspired me to take an HDR shot. Not too bad (if I do say so myself).
By the way, my blood is a thick jello of saturated fat after a full weekend grilling everything we could get our hands on. It was good, but I've never craved roughage so much in my life. Just a heads up that my next post may be written from the cardiac unit at a hospital in Heidelberg.

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