Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Birthday Party Part Swei...
(I’m getting caught up on some posts I started but never published.)
As is the custom, we had a little get together at the house for the adult crowd to celebrate Sophia's birthday. It was pretty mellow. B made hotdogs Brazilian style served with Caiperinhas and cold Hefes. The day started out with Sophia opening her present. She got the Nintendo DS she's been asking for (or as she calls it "Intendo").
Robert and Emily got the normal consolation prize she always spoils the non-birthday kids with (this year it was watches).Emily still has a spokes model reflex that amuses and concerns me.sophia slide_4717B managed to make another good cake and, as tradition dictates, plenty of brigadeiro.
This year we set a record for singing Happy Birthday, singing it in five languages: English, German, Portuguese, Spanish and Hungarian. A few of the guests were from B’s German course, so we had a few continents covered.sophia party_4732

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