Sunday, June 20, 2010

A shocking display of sexuality in Walldorf…

Walldorf has a reputation for being rather sedate, one of the characteristics that brought us to this quaint village a couple of years ago. Imagine my shock when an innocent trip to Walldorf’s Tierpark (it’s not quite big enough to be a zoo) subjected my kids and me to a brazen display of sexuality in the middle of the day! Have these birds no decency?!

About 54 seconds in you can see the primal shaking of a short fan of tail feathers. One of the kids was crying, which drowned out this lurid sound, designed to send the lady folk into salacious hysteria.

Sadly, much like my brief dalliance with cabbage patching in the late 80’s, this peacock’s moves proved unconvincing to the ladies. I was too distraught to continue filming, but would swear the peahen was chuckling in the pictures below. Man, that takes me back…   IMG_3430 (1024x700)Copy of IMG_3430

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