Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Feast of friends…

Happy new year all!  Hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable New Year’s Eve. This year, the Walldorf posse assembled our family and friends and rented a large banquet room at Orchidee, the Thai restaurant in the Ambient hotel near downtown Walldorf. About 50 of us (including kids) assembled for dinner, drinks and dancing.Copy of restaurant room 4813 (1024x531)IMG_4826 (1024x683)Preet kept the tunes spinning, cutting his teeth on VirtualDJ, an easy to use and really cool DJ application. Robert, freshly trained on the Wii Michael Jackson Experience, set the dance floor on fire.IMG_4870 (1024x683)IMG_4832 (1024x683)We even had CDs. Remember those?IMG_4860 (683x1024)We’ve never before rented space for a new year’s party, but I can tell you that having a clean house on Jan 1st made it well worth it. The folks at Orchidee didn’t have it so good: We made a full on mess with confetti. My guess is that hotel guests in 20 years will still be wondering why they find it everywhere.IMG_4908

1 comment:

essie said...

Guten Rutsch Prickrils,
the Harrisons in Heidelberg!