Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Baltz Compound...

I mentioned in a previous post that we went to my mother-in-law Cristina's house in Niterói for the fashion show. I didn't mention that the venerable Carlos Agostus Baltz, a.k.a Carlyle, made an appearance. The kids' grandfather has been in Cabo Frio (Wikipedia has some nice pictures) since I got here. We'll spend a few days at his beach house (now almost his primary residence!) there before we head back to Germany. The kids spent a few days there before I got here and said they like the beach better than Ipanema. That sets the bar pretty high, but they are already beach veterans with highly refined taste, so I'll take their word for it.IMG_9698 (1024x682)IMG_9738 (2)IMG_9717 (2) (1024x683)On Tuesday, my father-in-law took me to have lunch at a simple seafood restaurant in Jurujuba called Berbigão. For about 20 Euros, we had more shrimp than we could eat (one dish breaded, the other served in cheese sauce with, of all things, potatoes), rice with broccoli and raisins and more ice-cold beers (Brahma of course) than I care to count. I've always like traditional Brazilian food, but this trip I'm getting addicted.

One of the things I love about Cristina's house is the landscaping. After all these years, I still think it's amazing that these exotic (to me anyway) plants grow in folk's yards and gardens. I was really impressed with her mini-tropical forest this time.IMG_9751 (1024x647) (2) IMG_9763


IMG_9756I managed to take a few shots of the hummingbirds that whiz by to partake of the flowers. Brazil has some huge hummingbirds, but this time the ones I saw were pretty small (but still bigger than the ones I saw growing up in the States). Years of trying to take pictures of the kids still left me unprepared to get good shots of these hyperactive hoverers. In a couple of days we'll head to the mountains where I'll try to get some better shots using my camera’s remote.IMG_9781 (2)IMG_9772

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