Monday, August 03, 2009

It’s the simple things…

that sometimes make a trip worth remembering. Sunday morning in Munich was incredible. I walked around the city for a couple of hours before parking myself at a café I’d seen on the bus tour. Apparently, it’s the first café there that served unaccompanied women.munich café_8942 (683x1024)You can tell a lot about someone by what they order at a café and the accoutrement with which they surround themselves while there. I must admit that my table says plenty about me. munich café table_8946 (1024x683) Inventory:

  • Double espresso (the reason the video below is so jerky)
  • Diet Coke (I’m an American, sue me.)
  • Cigarillo (Cuban tobacco is good for you)
  • MP3 player (I listened to Beethoven’s 7th. Seemed to fit for whatever reason)

Here’s a little video to give you (and me) a virtual contact buzz.

1 comment:

Carol said...

Wonderful! Thanks for the memories! I love that exact spot in Munchen! Last time I was there the church was being restored; they did a great job! My mom grew up near Munchen and this was her favorite Platz as well.
