Saturday, August 06, 2011

Competing interests…

As times and technology change, so do our habits. I’ve spent much more time updating Facebook in the last few months than I have this blog. While I like the selective exposure of Facebook, I’m beginning to miss the narrative and plot that a blog affords. Since I have some time off this summer, I’m going to make an attempt to get caught up a bit.

One of the few benefits of compulsive photography is the ability to remind oneself in high definition of one’s activities well after the fact. The older I get, the shorter the increment of this “well after”. I now measure it in a single-digit number of days.

Anyway, I wonder if anyone still read this.


G in Berlin said...

Well, I subscribe to it in a Reader, so I read it when you feel like writing it:). Hope you have been enjoying the sort-of summer

essie said...

You are back!
and yes...I DO still read your blog :o)

Anonymous said...

Yes, I do read it! Nice to see all the pictures, stories of expat life, and reviews of vacation spots since we live in the same area. Best...