Saturday, April 23, 2011


Before heading back to my hotel, I thought it prudent to make a quick pitstop. Only then did I realize I hadn’t seen the inside of the restaurant. It was total eye candy for a compulsive photographer.IMG_8188 (1280x850) IMG_8182 (812x1280)IMG_8113 (853x1280)IMG_8194 (1280x853)
IMG_8085 (834x1280) IMG_8091 (854x1280)
IMG_8093 (853x1280)The restaurant has what seems like endless little rooms and private corners. I can imagine spending hours in there with inclement weather.IMG_8097 (1280x853) IMG_8098 (1280x854) IMG_8103 (825x1280)The place was pretty much empty – the perfect opportunity to shoot it up. IMG_8157 (1280x853) Copy of IMG_8097 (1280x853) There was a one man karaoke band keeping the mood light. I sang Girl from Ipanema (in Portuguese!).IMG_8145 (1280x853) IMG_8120 (1280x853)   IMG_8195 (853x1280)To the relief of the wait staff (I’m sure), I finally hit the bricks.IMG_8191 (853x1280)

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