Thursday, April 14, 2011

A palace in Spain…

The Palacio Real de Madrid was the first breathtaking site I saw once we hit the beach in Madrid. It is absolutely enormous, beautiful, ornate and is oozing with history. Because of the unbelievable weather and other commitments, I didn’t tour inside, but have heard it rivals any palace on earth.IMG_7119 (1280x850) IMG_7125 (1280x812) IMG_7132 (1280x853) IMG_7133 (853x1280) IMG_7134 (817x1280) IMG_7135 (854x1280)IMG_7141 (1280x819)Chris read in his guide book that the hats of the guards were designed to allow them to lean back against the walls of the palace while smoking a cigarette. These people think of everything!Copy of IMG_7141 (367x556)Next time I’m in the ‘hood, will definitely take the tour.IMG_7047 (1280x853) IMG_7051 (1280x854)

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