Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Dinner…

It was just us this year, but B still managed to pull together a top notch Christmas dinner (or Christmas Even dinner to be more precise).IMG_4602 (1024x683)IMG_4599 (683x1024) As usual, we got a little bit of help from the Bolz butcher shop in Kirchheim and, as usual, the duck and ham were superb.IMG_4595 (1024x683)Their meatloaf-like stuffing also deserved high praise.IMG_4601 (1024x683) B made “salada da sogra” and some wicked traditional stuffing with sausage.IMG_4597 (1024x683) Assuming I really only need 2,000 calories or so per day and calculating my caloric intake over the weekend, it looks like I’ll have to run from here to Warsaw to avoid gaining weight. If it weren’t for all this snow, I’d be on the road right now…

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