Sunday, December 26, 2010

Grizzly Prickril…

I’ve been spending a lot of quality times in the woods around Walldorf. Not exactly the stomping grounds of Grizzly Adams (are you old enough to remember him), but as close to roughing it as I’ll be getting (voluntarily) in the near future.IMG_4693 (1024x683) It snowed like crazy all Christmas Eve and last night too. However, there’s been virtually no wind so the snow is piling up deep on everything, even the thinnest of tree branches.IMG_4695 (1024x683) The woods keep getting more beautifuller.IMG_4700 (662x1024) The sun breaking through on these trees was spectacular.IMG_4708 (683x1024) IMG_4713 (1024x683) I strolled close to the pond and took some nice video. There is only a small unfrozen pool next to the bank that is now home to all the waterfowl.

Folks have put out bird feeders near this area. I spent quite a bit of time filming the hundreds of birds getting their fill. Getting my camcorder to focus on these little buggers was much harder than I had assumed. I’m happy with the results though.
More to come soon.

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