Saturday, October 30, 2010

Street bling…

Rothenburg is an amazing example of a medieval walled city that for some reason (my guess is unbridled tourist-mongering), has more than its share of German street bling, provided here at no extra charge to you, my faithful readers.IMG_2822 (683x1024)IMG_2696 (683x1024)I guess there was a time in Germany when no establishment worth its salt would hang its shingle without also hanging one of these things, whatever they’re called.IMG_2819 (1024x683)IMG_2810 (1024x683) Rothenberg is absolutely lousy with them.IMG_2811 (682x1024)Although somewhat macabre, I liked this little butcher statue.   IMG_2854 (1024x683) IMG_2852 (683x1024)This cat was perched over a driveway. I’ve seen similar adornments of roosters and even a gargoyle, but never a feline. IMG_2828 (683x1024)Speaking of fowl, here are a couple of mildly interesting specimens.IMG_2896 (683x1024) IMG_2897 (683x1024) I found this lion eye-catching for whatever reason. IMG_2830 (683x1024)

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