I mentioned in a previous post that I loaded up on spirits in the duty free shop on the way in. While at the store yesterday buying provisions for the long weekend ahead, including fruit for Caipivodkas, I decided to construct the perfect party bomb. Ingredients? One ripe, sweet water melon and a liter of vodka. My prediction? Total devastation.
In my experience, it’s all about timing. One must unleash this brutal weapon at the right time during the party or risk mitigating its destructive power. It tends to be more effective once you’ve got the enemy on his heels with several hours of light bombardment (in the form of deceptively sweet but potent Caipivodkas later today).I realize you’re probably trying to guess my age and starting in the range between 15 and 22. Alas, I am much older chronologically but seem to be having trouble leaving old habits behind.
By the way, the trick to total saturation is to jiggle the bottle every few hours to get the vodka flowing. This process takes at least 10-12 hours.
Damage assessment forthcoming.
P.S. I forgot to mention that we'll head to Dona Irene’s tonight for an umpteen course Russian meal and countless pales of homemade vodka. If this ends up being my last post, it has been a pleasure having you as a reader of my little blog.
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