Monday, August 23, 2010


is the best word I can think of to describe our evening around the fireplace Friday night. The blazing fire and Ikea airline-like blankets kept us warm despite the cold air invading the room through a window opened to let the smoke escape (from the fire and from Gudangs). IMG_6238 (1024x703) IMG_6194 (1024x683)Three generations of family and friends enjoyed the warmth of each others company almost a year after our last get together in Terê.IMG_6181 (1024x683)IMG_6203 (1024x719)IMG_6248 (683x1024)IMG_6295 (1024x683)IMG_6282 (1024x682) IMG_6192 (681x1024) The nonstop flow of red wine did a nice job of warming us up from the inside out. IMG_6199 (1024x683)IMG_6264 (683x1024)Copy of IMG_6259 (684x1024) Finally, soft lighting made for the warm tones I love in the shots I snapped from time to time.

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