Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Ground hog day…

[Automatic translation in Chrome messed up this post. I'm converting it back to English.]
except if we keep going to the beach with good weather, I don't mind in the least. We went to Camboinhas today and spent the entire day there. It has become my second favorite beach, a close second to Ipanema.IMG_7353 (1024x670)IMG_7348 (1024x683)  IMG_7369 (1024x683)IMG_7387 (1024x683)We sat near a different kiosk today. The difference was immediately obvious as the service was much better.Where else in Rio do you get a free table and chairs as well as a cooler full of essentials (that you pay for) brought right to you?IMG_7466 (683x1024)IMG_7367 (1024x682)I drank about a million beers. They go down nicely in the winter heat. Itaipava innovated a little foil doily to give the can’s rim the appearance of being clean.IMG_7379 (682x1024)Marina cut class today to join us. Bad for her education, great for us!IMG_7486 (1024x683) Her friend Bárbara also made an appearance.IMG_7490 (1024x683)The weather feels like summer now. It got up to about 35° today without much wind. Rio was a little misty in the distance, but beautiful (and a little mysterious) as always.camboinhas 7419 (1024x431)IMG_7414 (1024x682) I spent a lot of time in the water today, although it wasn’t as clear and blue as it was on Tuesday.IMG_7449 (1024x683)Today we’ll meet a bunch of folks for dinner at Paludo. I have to be ready in about an hour but I’m about half drunk and completely sun-baked, so I’m not sure if I’ll be ready in time. Tomorrow we head to Cabo Frio for a few days so I won’t be posting. Is that a sigh of relief I hear?

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