Thursday, August 27, 2009

Posting from Posto 8…

Who knew beaches in Rio had wireless? Wanted to do at least one post from the beach (actually, from a kiosk on the beach). Sitting here enjoying a cold coconut water and soaking in the final days of sea air before we head to the mountains tomorrow. It’s too bright to see the monitor well so I’ll keep it short.IMG_0110 Panorama (1024x416)IMG_0140 (683x1024)Sophia getting ready for her closeup… IMG_0158 (683x1024) IMG_0159 (683x1024) IMG_0160 (683x1024) Iza took off work and came to the beach with us.IMG_0164 (683x1024) IMG_0195 (1024x683)IMG_0194 (683x1024)IMG_0188 2 (683x1024)IMG_0231 (2) (665x1024) IMG_0241 (683x1024)

1 comment:

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