Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The mighty Fluminense…

Renato also took me to the headquarters of Fluminense, “his team” in Rio. It is situated in Laranjeiras, a neighborhood I’d heard of but hadn’t spent any time in. Turns out I love it. It seemed very calm and sophisticated, with beautiful streets lined with high-rise apartment buildings and folks moving about at a leisurely pace.

The buildings are old and beautiful. The main courtyard has a beautiful fountain and a shrine to the team’s matron saint.IMG_9928 (1024x662) IMG_9922 (683x1024)Aside from the main building, there’s a field that these days is only used for practice.IMG_9934 (1024x664)fluminense 9948 (1024x224)We then entered the library, which lead to the trophey room, filled with thousands and thousands of trophies, tributes and other memorabilia. IMG_9969 (1024x655)IMG_9960 (1024x647)IMG_9965 (1024x683) IMG_9971 (1024x683) I’m not sure if I caught Fluminense fever, but I gained ever deeper insight into the passion Brazilians have for soccer.

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