Saturday, September 18, 2010

Strasbourg in September

As I mentioned in a previous post, my stepbrother Ty spent a weekend here. I took him to Strasbourg and Schwetzingen. I have about 10,000 pictures of Starsbourg in the Prickril Family Picture Archives, but couldn’t resist taking a few more.IMG_0674 (1024x683)IMG_0673 (671x1024)IMG_0673 (1024x684) IMG_0690 (683x1024)The weather was perfect and this gorgeous city impressed me yet again.  IMG_0711 (682x1024) IMG_0732 (674x1024) The wait for the boat tours was simply too long, but the early birds seemed to be enjoying it.  IMG_0745 (1024x663)IMG_0742 (1024x682)

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